Sunday, March 31, 2013

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

When the going gets tough...

I know that I am so much better for the struggles that I have been through over the comfort that I have enjoyed.  An adventure is far better than a vacation.  Failure is far more therapeutic than success.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Today, I am learning to STOP! and take care of myself.  In spending every waking hour helping addicts and alcoholics recover, the energy necessary is overwhelming.  So much energy is required to counteract the energy of addiction.  The energy of addiction is like empty carbs - full of nothing but energy burning waste.
Today, is 3-3-13, a cold Sunday and I am sick from getting the energy sucked out of me.  I am operating in low energy so I STOP!!  I do tne following:
  1. Pray for help.
  2. Meditate for peace.
  3. Make a list just for today and another just for tomorrow.
  4. Eat something good.
  5. Get some help and go for a run.