Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This May Not Be the Party...

I am not sure where I heard this phrase, but I love it: "This may not be the party that we hoped to be invited to, but, as long as we are here, we might as well dance." In other words, make the best of wherever you are! I have had to use this idea endlessly and it has a lot more meaning than just "acceptance" or "get used to it". To me, it inspires me to reach for the best in myself under all circumstances. Also, if it is true that there are no accidents, that everything is always the way it is supposed to be, that God makes no mistakes, then I may not like a situation, but my knowledge is limited and flawed. If I do not give my best in circumstances that I deem unworthy, I am cheating myself and others because I DO NOT KNOW BETTER. God has me best when I give it my all and let Him control the outcomes!

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