Saturday, July 2, 2011

July - One Can Start the Year over Any Time They Want

The Year 2011 is half over and I am quite pleased by the first half.  It has been very difficult.  I lost my job with a law firm because of this blog.  But it has given me the impetus to doggedly and vigorously pursue my dreams.  I have taken the exam for Florida Certification as a Certified Addiction Specialist.  I took the Stonebridge University program as a Substance Abuse Counselor and passed with distinction which is the highest grade that I could receive.  This was nice given my sense of failure in other areas of my life.  As this year is half over, I am resolved to write more often and more substantively on this blog. 

Ironically, I have witnessed the consequences of three people who are very close to me relapsing - two are in the hospital and one went from homelessness to having a great job, a nice home and new car and put it all in jeopardy in an incredibly self-destructive relapse.  I don't know how to help them.  I only know what I need to do today.

I believe that what a woman in St. Petersburg, Florida told me once.   If you do these 5 things to stay sober, you will not relapse:

1.     Say a prayer in the morning asking God for help - HELP = His Ever Loving Presence.
2.     Talk to another alcoholic or addict and share your experience, strength and hope.
3.     Go to a meeting, help someone, or share in a fellowship.
4.     Read some recovery literature.
5.     Say a prayer at night thanking God for His HELP.

It works; it really does.

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