Sunday, December 12, 2010

Never dreprive another the chance to grow through their pain.

My biggest character defect is that I want to rescue others...and usually at my own expense. I remember the story of the family that found a cocoon. They were a family of enablers.  Another loving family found a separate cocoon.   As each catepillar began to emerge from the cocoon to become a butterfly, the enabling family helped the butterfly by cutting away the cocoon.  The other family sat there and watched; they encouraged, prayed and gave shouts of support.  They watched as the second catepillar struggled and strained and had to fight its way out of the cocoon.  Finally, the butterfly, strong and beautiful, emerged and flew around.

The enabling family helped the first catepillar emerging, struggling and fighting, so they did all they could to make the butterfly emerge.  Once the cocoon had been stripped away, the butterfly with weak wings that had not had the opportunity to get strong, just sat there and was unable to fly...without the struggles of life, the butterfly could not survive on its own and died. 

I grow at the rate of pain.  I don't like the struggle or the pain, but I know that I am so much better from the times of adversity than I am from the times of prosperity.

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