Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Never Give Up

Never Give Up! This is the tag on my license plate and this is something that I need to tell myself frequently, sometimes daily.  It is through perseverance that we find out who we are and it is the inability to persevere that so often causes someone to relapse or leave recovery...Alcoholics and addicts have a false solution to their problems and it is to give up. 

The greatest gift of recovery is the miracle that happens when we do not give up.  The first thing I ever heard in sobriety was "Never give up just before the miracle happens."  How often did I give up anyway?  How often did I lose hope or faith or patience or perseverance?  How often did I not trust that things would work out the way that they were supposed to if I only do my part?

Today, I know that all things, good and bad, will pass. I know that I can walk through anything. I know that God will not give me more than we can handle together.  I know that I am not alone.  I know that anything is possible. I know never to give up.

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