Thursday, January 13, 2011

Act on Your Inspiration

Regardless of how absurd your inner callings might seem, they're authentically yours.  They don't have to make sense to anyone else.   The willingness to listen and act on your inspiration, independent of the opinion of others, imperative.

1 comment:

  1. It is fear which is the enemy. Fear of failure. Of what others might be thinking about us. That we might begin to believe them.
    Courage to listen to that inside of us. Courage to fail and fail again, but to have given it your all. This is always the best road to take: I gave it my all. Never think, "I could have..." If you have breath left, then dig deep and do it. They may sit in their Lazy Boys with derisive comments. That is the true loss. A wasted opportunity. You have one life: Act like it.
