Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day - The Story of St. Valentine

Be My Valentine
O, be swift to love! Make haste to be kind.
— Henri F. Amiel
The legend of St. Valentine goes back to the early days of Christianity when Christians were being persecuted by the Romans. One Christian, Valentinus, was tried as a heretic and sentenced to death. In prison, Valentinus befriended a guard who respected his wis–dom, and soon the guard brought his seven-year-old blind daughter, Julia, to Valentinus for lessons. Daily, the two talked of important things, and Julia developed a deep love and respect for her mentor. One day Julia asked him, “Valentinus, do you think I will ever be able to see? ”

Valentinus thought for a moment and answered, “With love in your heart and belief in God, anything is possible, Julia. ”

At that moment, Julia was overtaken with a flash of light, and suddenly her eyesight was restored. “Valentinus, I can see! ” the child shouted.

“Praise be to God, ” he humbly answered.    The next day when Julia came to visit Valentinus, he was gone. He had been taken to his execution. Julia found this note:

My Dear Julia,
Although we shall never see each other again, know that I will always love you. You are very dear to me. I will stay unseen by your side, and I will live in your heart. I believe in you.
Your Valentine

Be a true valentine by reminding your beloved ones that they are unlimited. Inspire them to trust their heart’s wisdom, and miracles will occur. And if you are your own valentine, remember that all the love you need is within you, just as you are, right where you are.

I pray to remind my loved ones of their highest possibilities.
I create miracles by using the vision of divine love.

This meditation is an excerpt from Alan Cohen's meditation book, A Deep Breath of Life.

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