Monday, May 30, 2011

Life goes on...This too shall pass....More will be revealed.

I am so, so grateful to live a sober life of adventure. In the next two weeks, I will do daily marathon training, complete a course on addiction counseling from Stonebridge University in the United Kingdom, study for and take my Certified Addiction Specialist exam on June 10, 2011, serve as Chairperson for the We Are Not Saints Recovery Roundup - June 2-5, 2011 at Gay Days in Orlando, Florida, and continue my work as a law clerk with two lawyers. I face a monumental amount of pressure and stress, but I pray and get quiet in meditation.  I stay connected with others, eat right and get good exercise. And I am sober.  In 2 more days, it will be 5 years.

Four years ago on Memorial Day, I was preparing for leaving the next day to surrender to the Federal Prison Camp in Pensacola, Florida.  I would fly to Atlanta, see my friend, Odini, and then fly to Pensacola where I would spend 10 months to make amends...

Yesterday, I met with my AA sponsor.  I rarely speak about AA because this blog does not endorse or reflect AA.  But I did a formal 5th Step, for the third time.  It is an incredible experience to share the darkest things about yourself to God and another human being.  It shines light on shadows. 

I have so much sork ahead still to clean up the wrekage of my past, but I am making progress - even as I continue to make mistakes which I must clean up as well. 

I went to the beach this morning to run and I took my mother so that she could walk and have her time with God.  I think about the people I love and the fact that a life lived awake is so glorious.  I am a sober alcoholic and I am helping people.  This is really good.  I make mistakes, but today I am really doing good work, God's work.  I am worth something and I am worthy again. 

Four years ago, I thought nothing good would ever happen again in my. life  I could not imagine or see a good life.  I cannot tell you how many people have enriched my life and that what I thought was the end was actually a new dawn and a wonderful new beginning.

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