Friday, May 27, 2011

Sober Life is about taking healthy risks...

In my alcoholism, my judgment became impaired all the time, whether I was intoxicated or not, because I was hiding mistakes I had made or cutting corners for lost or wasted time.  I took unbelievably unhealthy risks to myself and others.  Once sober, there is a tendency to play it safe and that can be a very good thing, but playing it too safe can cut me off from esteem building, potential reaching acts...Sober life is about taking healthy risks.  To live fully and largely can exist along with humility and peace. 
Today, I will take sober risks.  I heard recently the story of a woman who did not want to hope for great love because she felt that she was unworthy of great love.  She settled for a mediocre, uninteresting, passionless relationship and, in the end, that relationship failed too.  She became so despairing because she thought that perhaps it would have been better to seek the best and fail, rather than seek the easily obtainable and fail.  Perhaps minor failure is worse than great failure when the stakes are not so high...

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