Monday, March 21, 2011

Life Beginning Anew - Spring

Life Beginning

Fear not that thy life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning.
— John Henry Cardinal Newman

The following mediation was a post from "In The Rooms" today which I was so moved by, I had to repost it.  The most wonderful thing that I learned through my addiction and recovery was that I was forced to face the worst truths about myself and when I was told I may have to go to prison, I wanted to die. I would have done anything to avoid it, but in the end, it was one of hte best things that ever happened to me. It was not that prison was so educational, but rather that I survived and thrived the worst thing I ever imagined and that life would begin anew.
The story I heard was this one:

When I was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 17, I was sure that my life had come to an end, ” Edward told the seminar audience. “I hated the chemotherapy, all the med-icalese, and the whole arena of sickness I seemed to enter. Sure, my body didn’t feel good, but my Spirit was dying in all those morbid thoughts. Then, one day I was scheduled for chemotherapy when I discovered that there was a Grateful Dead concert the same night. The concert was much more attractive than the chemo, and I struggled with the decision over what to do. I realized that I had lived my whole life trying to please my parents and make everyone happy. I decided that this was my chance to make myself happy, and I went to the concert. Soon my condition was reversed, and I have been cancer free for years. I believe that it was my choice to be kind to myself that made all the difference. ”

It is not the years in our life that count, but the life in our years. We may live a long time in a small shell of fear, or a short time in a blaze of celebration. When we follow our spirit and live from joy rather than self-protection, the whole world opens up to us, and we have the power to make our dreams come true.

Cheri Huber declared, “I don’t want to tiptoe through life just to arrive safely at death. ” What dreams have you been postponing? What steps could you take now to make them a reality? Do you live from fear or delight? What gift could you give yourself that would remind you that life is beautiful and worth living? Answer these questions honestly, and the road to freedom will be illumined for you.
I want to live today. I want to put my dreams into action. I want to leave behind all that is not me and fully celebrate my gifts. Thank you for showing me the way to freedom.  Today I begin my life anew.

I take my life in my hands and celebrate every wonderful opportunity to soar.
This meditation is an excerpt from Alan Cohen's meditation book, A Deep Breath of Life. If you liked today's meditation, please support the author and purchase the book.

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